Understanding Idiopathic Hypersomnia: A Guide

Dr. Ahmed Zayed

Do you struggle staying awake during the day or do you get uncontrollable sleepiness after eating? You think you had enough sleep, yet you still feel unrested when you wake up. If you are experiencing...

Holistic Nutrition: Nourishing Mind, Body, and Soul

Dr. Ahmed Zayed

What is Holistic Nutrition? In this fast-paced world where wellness trends come and go, holistic nutrition is a timeless approach to nourishing the body and mind. This blog delves into what holistic nutrition entails, its...

Step-by-Step Guide to Firming Skin After Weight Loss

Dr. Ahmed Zayed

Overview Losing a significant amount of weight is considered a major success and a commendable achievement, but for many individuals, the journey is accompanied by the challenge of dealing with loose skin. What’s more, this...

What is a Cutting Diet and How to Follow it

Melissa Feldman

Bodybuilders, athletes, and workout enthusiasts often follow a short-term cutting diet regimen to reduce body fat without losing muscle mass. This involves a personalized diet plan that includes protein, fat, and carbs combined with weightlifting....