8 Easy Pilates Workout Moves For Beginners

Amna Eltawil

There are a lot of exercise regimens for individuals who want to lose weight or be physically fit. If you do not like to go to the gym, use the treadmill, and lift weights, Pilates...

How to Ease Gas Pain In the Chest

Dr. Ahmed Zayed

Experiencing trapped gas in the chest is more uncommon than gas in the digestive tract. It can be painful and bring discomfort to anyone who is experiencing it. The sensation feels more like a sharp...

The 8 Best Liver Detox Foods to Keep You Healthy

Caitlyn Servitto

“Detox” is a buzzword that has been floating around social media for several years, however, it can be dangerous if you don’t approach it correctly. For example, avoid falling for marketing gimmicks and taking random...